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Multi-Instrument - API (Application Programming Interface)
Multi-Instrument API
ActiveX Automation API

Multi-Instrument can work as an ActiveX automation server so that an external program can access the data and functions that Multi-Instrument exposes. You can integrate Multi-Instrument into your own software seamlessly via the ActiveX automation server interfaces exposed by Multi-Instrument. Please refer to Multi-Instrument Automation Server Interfaces.

Sample automation client programs in Visual C++, Visual Basic, Visual C# and Python are provided.

vtDAQ and vtDAO API for Data Acquisition (DAQ) and Data Output (DAO)

You can use the vtDAQ and vtDAO interface DLLs supplied in this software to allow your own back-end software to interface to sound cards, NI DAQmx cards, VT DSOs, VT RTAs, VT IEPE, VT CAMP, etc.. You can also develop your own vtDAQ and vtDAO compatible DLLs to allow Multi-Instrument to interface to your own hardware.  Please refer to vtDAQ and vtDAO Interfaces.

Sample DAQ and DAO back-end programs in Visual C++, Visual C# and LabVIEW are provided.

vtSPA API for Signal Processing and Analysis

vtSPA API provides a suite of generic APIs for data processing and analysis. It contains some unique features / algorithms originated and only available from Virtins Technology.  Please refer to Signal Processing and Analysis API.


Multi-Instrument Automation API Sample Program
Bluetooth Audio Device Pass / Fail Test using Automation API

Multi-Instrument Automation API Sample Program
Bluetooth Audio Device Pass / Fail Test using Automation API

Multi-Instrument Automation API Sample Program
Automation Client Sample Programs in VB, VC++, VC# and Python

vtDAQ API Sample Program VC
vtDAQ and vtSPA API Sample Program in VC++ and VC#

vtDAQ API Sample Program Labview
vtDAQ API Sample Program in Labview

vtDAO API Sample Program Labview
vtDAO API Sample Program in Labview

vtDAO API Sample Program VC
vtDAO API Sample Program in VC++ 


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